Be the first to secure your seed for Spring 2023 Food Plot Season. Nitro-Boost, the Vitalize Seed Spring Mix is open for ordering now. The orders will be fulfilled and shipped in Early March.
Order here: https://vitalizeseed.com/product/nitro-boost/
Spring / Summer Planting
- Fixing Atmospheric N
- Add diversity to your mixes
- Browse tolerant species
- Great for soil, bees, and bucks!
- 30%+ more diversity than the closest competitor
- Engineered Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio that naturally feeds the soil biology, that will in turn make nutrients available for your fall planting of Carbon Load will thrive!

*Broadcast – increase by 10%-25% – depending on the thatch layer you are broadcasting into. Less thatch, you will likely need slightly more seed. Note, we have small and large seeds in this mix – intentionally to increase our success for all planting methods.
Order here: https://vitalizeseed.com/product/nitro-boost/
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