Habitat Podcast #35 – Kris Pope – How To Trap, Coyote Trapping School, Types of Traps, Set Locations, Post Harvest Steps, How To Sell Fur, Fur Values, Advantages to Trapping & Managing Predator Populations


Habitat Podcast #35 – Kris Pope in Georgia.

We chat in length with Kris Pope from the Coyote Trapping School.com

Kris is from Georgia, and talks to us about his trapping season each Fall.

How To Trap Coyotes, Raccoons, Bobcats, Beaver, etc

What is Coyote Trapping School and how does one join?

Types of Traps you can get to get started. Foothold, dog proof, conibear.

Trap Set Locations – A good location can mean setting up more than one trap in that spot.

Post Harvest Steps – Once you trapped an animal, then what?

How To Sell Fur and Current Fur Values.

Advantages to Trapping & Managing Predator Populations on your property and what that can do for you.

EMAIL ADDRESS GIVEAWAY details in the end of the episode.

More from Kris at CoyoteTrappingSchool.com

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Check out this episode!

Jared Van Hees

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