Christmas is right around the corner, followed by Habitat Season! Check out these gift ideas below for you or someone you know.
Below, you will find a link to our Amazon Store, and a ton of other items we recommend for our Habitat Manager way of life.
With fertilizer prices on the rise, the importance of soil sampling has been exacerbated. To get the most accurate samples we should try to limit variables. A soil probe helps with this, to ensure similar depth. Another good idea is to mark on Google/Huntwise/ONX/etc. The locations you sampled within each field, then return to these same points each year and continue to pull samples. This helps to create a baseline in otherwise variable data points.
Order Here –>

This is one of our absolute favorite sausage seasonings….. give it a try
What landowner, habitat manager, or hunter has enough SD cards? Class 10 cards are a safer way to be sure you don’t lose pictures or video due to camera formats.
How about the price of fertilizer going through the roof? Or maybe even hard to get? Regenerative Ag has been something we dub “no-till” in the food plot world and talk a lot about it on Habitat Podcast.
How about some new broadheads for next season?
Do you like to plant acorns, chestnuts, or other tree seeds? If so, check out the Squirrel –> and be sure to get your 10% off by mentioning Habitat Podcast in your order notes or when you call in to order.

Below, you will find a link to our Amazon Store, and a ton of other items we recommend for our Habitat Manager way of life.
Thank you for checking out our list of 6 last-minute gift ideas for Habitat Managers.